This page describes some of the cost-cutting features of DBtools.h++. From this page, you can access:
One reliable answer is software components, and DBtools.h++ gives you the fundamental components you need for database access and generic representation of data structures. DBtools.h++ is the foundation class library for portable database application development. Together with its companion product. Tools.h++, DBtools.h++ harnesses the power of C++ to give you a robust, object-oriented foundation for building you applications. Look at the benefits DBtools.h++ provides:
Many organizations recognize that critical data may reside in RDBMs from more than one vendor. DBtools.h++ now offers your organization a standard C++ call-level interface (CLI) for the leading relational databases. Once you write your application, you can port it to other supported databases without worrying about the differences in data structure types or function calls. If your company decides to switch from Sybase to Oracle, youÆre covered. Plus, thereÆs no more worrying about how and when the Microsoft and Sybase CLIs will diverge --- your applications will continue to work with both. And, if you get a new client with a new database, you can move your applications to that database with ease.
At Rogue Wave, we spend a lot of time ensuring that our code is portable across operating systems and compilers so that your application can be, too. As youÆd expect, the same code deployed as a DLL under Windows can be deployed as a shared library under UNIX. We have used our experience as the developers of Tools.h++ to write the most portable C++ code available for database applications.
With DBtools.h++, the benefits of object-oriented design are built-in. WeÆve done the work of defining the objects so you donÆt have to. Why build a C++ encapsulation of your native database API when you can be working on your own application instead?